Monday, January 31, 2011

Officially married with pictures to prove it!

Graham and I are officially married!  Okay, yes, it's been over 6 weeks since our wedding, but we just got our official wedding pictures back!  It was so fun going through them together, reliving such a great day.  I'll post a few at the end of this post.

Along with our photographic proof, we recently experienced what I like to call our first "Us Against the World" predicament.  Last week, during the middle of our liquid+soup diet, we decided to cheat and go to dinner at Chili's.  We went into the restaurant around 5:30, came back out around 6:20, and the truck was gone.  Graham's precious baby was stolen from the complete well-lit and very busy Chili's parking lot around 6:00.  We filed the police report and hoped for the best.  Graham got a phone call early the next morning saying they found it in a field about 25 miles south of where we live.  It was missing both doors, the carpet, and the odometer as well as the really nice bed cover.  Didn't take the wheels, left the engine untouched and all the pieces they didn't need like the seats, were neatly put back where the belong.  Other pieces were thrown in the back.  They left loose change, my old debit card, a couple gift cards, things that could have easily been taken without us really noticing.  (That bank account was closed about 6 months ago, so no major threat there.) 

So now we're waiting to hear the damage and how insurance will work out.  We planned on trading in my old Focus in a year or so and getting me the SUV I want, but we didn't plan on getting rid of the truck for at least 4 or 5 more years.  It's really sad.  We'll see what happens with insurance and everything.  It might not be totaled.  We'll see.  He's enjoying his Impala rental right now.  :)  We were successful, though, us against the world.  It was/is extremely stressful, but we did it together!  Those are good moments.

Here are a few more great moments!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Isn't married life great- my hubby and I just celebrated 6 months of married bliss :)

